Subscription Plan

Become a Member

We need your support! Your contributions will go towards keeping routes safe and owners protected.

Annual Membership

Sign up for a Membership that renews on a monthly or yearly basis.
Renews automatically. Cancel anytime.

Platinum Monthly

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Platinum Monthly


Platinum Plus

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Platinum Plus


Platinum Contributor

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Platinum Contributor


Platinum Yearly

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Platinum Yearly


It’s important for all to know that EVERYONE who is a Pepperidge Farm business owner is a member of POAA.  For those interested in capitalizing on some or all of our value-added services and/or serving in a leadership role for all Current Owners, paid dues information is below. 

It is your paid membership that helps fund everything the association does. All board members are fellow distributors who volunteer their time, energy, and talents to further develop, enhance, and maintain profitability and equity for your/their business.


Membership benefits includes

* Business and Truck Insurance (in selected states)
* Health Insurance Program (coming soon)
*Data Capture Solutions Discount
* Digital online Library
* Online Photo Gallery
* Email Alerts
* Annual Meeting admittance
* Exclusive name@teampoaa.org email address
* Vendor Information

Your small investment will keep you up to date with in our changing times!

Monthly Memberships

Platinum Monthly

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Platinum Monthly


Platinum Plus

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Platinum Plus


Platinum Contributor

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Platinum Contributor


Platinum Yearly

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Platinum Yearly


Annual Memberships

Platinum Monthly

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Platinum Monthly


Platinum Plus

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Platinum Plus


Platinum Contributor

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Platinum Contributor


Platinum Yearly

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Platinum Yearly
